Saturday 30 December 2017

#52Stories, Week 52, 'Tis the season..


It has to be my favourite time of the year. I’m not sure exactly what it is about it, that makes it so.

Maybe it is because all over the world people are celebrating together.

Maybe it is all the great (often cheesy) movies…

…or the baking – so many choices

…or packaging – it’s the craft geek in me, I can’t help myself

…or the sharing.

The counting down,

Carols in the park.

Taking time to breathe,

Searching for the right gift – not just a gift for gift-giving’s sake.

Making time to appreciate life…people, and to thoughtfully give to others who might not share the same opportunities.

Following traditions, making memories, reminiscing, starting new rituals.

Summer days – although a white Christmas is still on my bucket list, even if it is only once.

The joy of homecoming (not that there is much of that goes on in our family) – maybe next year.

Ours is always a quiet day – 2, maybe 4 people. Those rowdy, fun cousin packed, extended family events I always long for aren’t really an option. Maybe I wouldn’t enjoy them anyway, as used to solitariness as I am.

Mostly I think it is that cosiness, mindfulness feeling…

…seeing the joy in others – young and old.

It is MAGIC.

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