Friday 22 February 2019


Today, 22 February, has a bit of a reflecting theme in my life.

As a member of GirlGuidingNZ for many years it was a time we thought about the people who had the vision to create a movement for youth over 100 years ago. First for boys and then for girls. We also learnt about and thought about or Guiding and Scouting sisters and brothers around the world. In more recent times there have been global themes to learn about and support too.

It is also the anniversary of the Christchurch earthquake which struck at 12.51pm. There had been two previous large shakes in the months leading up to this one, but this was the event which caused the most devastation to buildings, people and lives. I enjoy revisiting the Garden City to see the rejuvenation of parklands, homes and inner city buildings. There are some real visionary architects and planners at work there, and the people of Christchurch community contribute too in a quietly positive way.

Aside from that reflection though, I can't believe we are almost at the end of the second month this year and I haven't written ANYTHING.

Most of the past six weeks has involved staying hydrated, drinking heaps (water, juice, milkshakes, water, soft drinks, wine) to make up for all the moisture which seems to escape through my skin and then stay on the surface, not evaporating; clammy and sticky in the humidity. As well as drinking, eating iceblocks has become a thing - making our own too with moderate success, but always welcomingly cold and refreshing. It has been warm even at night. In the past couple of weeks there has been a welcome breeze though which makes it seem cooler, even if it isn't. Today it is blustery, reminiscent of Wellington, as Cyclone Oma dilly-dallies off the Queensland coast trying to decide which way she will go.

Searching for work absorbs a lot of my time, or it did until about a fortnight ago when I was placed in a temp position. What a great system is on offer here to support those who have been impacted by a natural disaster. In this case the floods in Townsville and beyond caused by a monsoonal trough. Two years rain in a matter of days. It is incomprehensible.

I'm working shifts, part of a 24/7 team with call teams, and a multitude of administrative support. So weekends aren't the norm now, but I do usually get two days off at a time.

Today is one of them.

I have been trying to make some headway with working out where some of our close DNA matches fit. Most I have been able to work out a rough approximation, but others definitely require some dedicated time as a sleuth. Earning some money has been a bonus for this as I have been able to resubscribe to some things without feeling guilty about spending frivolously.

I started compiling a list of things I'd like to do this year; where did I save that ? I had better get started on some things though it it might end up being a Christmas rush to get it all done.

I'm still reflecting on me decision to not join the #52Ancestors challenge again this year. There have been some GREAT topics, so you never know. There could be some more of them coming soon.

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